The gift of love settles in the hearts of the beautiful souls, those who spread love everywhere they pass by. They leave a significant scent that can be felt in other hearts that hold similar traits or hearts that are thirsty for sincere love.
Words are the tools that convey love when it comes from the heart, and it has never been a sign of love if it comes from the side of the tongue.
The beacon of love is our beloved Prophet peace and blessings be upon. He set a strategy for spreading love manifested in an all inclusive manner.
The arrows of sincere love never miss their target!
When you target every individual in your life with an abundant dose of love, the result will be miraculous. Love comes in a form of actions not words.
A smile is an act of love.
Clearing trash from the public road is an act of love.
Helping the elderly is an act of love.
Making dua’a in secret for those who need it is an act of love.
Forgiving others is an act of love.
Giving the benefit of the doubt is an act of love.
Connecting to someone who cuts you off is an act of love.
Love means having internal peace.
Love means your heart is settled and satisfied with what Allah bestowed you.
Love means giving without waiting for anything in return.
Love means wishing the best for everyone around you.
Love means including everyone in your dua’a, even those who harmed you.
Love means to rise above your pain and find compensation in Allah’s mercy.
Love is holding tight to the commitment that you are obligated to.
Love is patience with pain and difficulties.
Love grows by seeing others’ happiness.
Love nourishes when you lift someone up.
Love is the tears you weep for those beloved to you.
People who love never quit.
Love is the gift of life.
The most noble love is the love of:
Allah and His messenger,
Family, and
Love for the sake of Allah.
This love is rooted to one’s faith, this love isn’t superficial and doesn’t fade away as long as the one who holds it is faithful.
For those who have good ties with Allah and His messenger, parents, siblings, spouse, children, neighbors, friends, and community, I ask Allah to reward you for your affection and patience.

Love is a word that means
L is for loyalty
O is for the One and Only
V is for values
E is for eternity