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Rajab, The Purifier

Writer: Raghad BushnaqRaghad Bushnaq

The prophet PBUH said "Oh Allah! Put Baraka for us in the month of Rajab and Sha'ban, and make us attain the holy month of Ramadan"

That's how our beloved prophet PBUH welcomed the moon of Rajab as an act of glorifying to the three months together, Rajab, Sha’ban, and Ramadan. As if Rajab and Sha’ban are the bridge to Ramadan.

Rajab meaning is rooted to greatness, for it is one of the four sacred months, and for being the month which we prepare ourselves to welcome Ramadan. This preparation called purification; the process starts by:

1. Cleansing in Rajab (Takhliya)

2. Beautifying (Tahliya) in Sha’ban

3. Attaining the distinction (Tajliya) in Ramadan

This process will distinguish people in Ramadan with the divine mercy and light. It will make us better candidates who may guarantee Janna.

Many people fast in Ramadan with unworthy reward, hunger and thirst, because they haven’t achieved cleansing or beautifying.

The Prophet pbuh said: “A person might fast and gets nothing from his fast but hunger”

Yes, Rajab welcoming duaa hints to the significant relationship between the three blessed months and referring to the importance of starting our diligent repair from Rajab so we don’t get to Ramadan without a proper tawba or repaired ibada

We should do everything we can in order to receive the abundant amount of the sacred light and divine mercy during the month of Ramadan. The foremost السابقونpreced ahead of everyone because they don’t wait until the last minute.

That's how the people of knowledge understand the close bond between the three months, therefor they become diligent and serious about them.

In addition to that, Rajab is one of the sacred months that Allah commanded us to glorify it and increase the good deeds during it.

{That is the command, and whoever honors the rituals of Allah, it is certainly out of the piety of the heart} 22:32

Indeed, the moon of Rajab is a divine invitation to a sincere repentance. It's a call to get back on the right track.

{That is the command, and whoever honors the sacredness of Allah, it is best for them in the sight of their Lord} 22:30

What is forbidden in this month is forbidden in all other months except that the punishment is greater in Rajab and so is reward.

{Indeed, the number of months ordained by Allah is twelve in Allah’s Record since the day He created the heavens and the earth of which four are sacred. That is the Right Way. So do not wrong yourselves during these months} 9:36

Ibn Abbas RAA said in interpreting this verse: "verily, Allah chose four months, He made them sacred, and He honored their rituals, He made the sin and its punishment in them greater and the good deeds and its reward greater as well"

{So do not wrong yourselves during these months} means that oppressing yourself during those months is greater in burden and more in accountability. Someone oppress himself by being astray and headless, harming others in his network, shortcoming with his duties, and by delaying tawba.

Some of the sins are minor, so wiping them is easy if the repentance happens shortly after committing them. When a person insists to continue making those small sins considering them minor and very light in his scale, they change status from minor to major. Major sins need serious treatment and different type of repentance; a sincere intention should be accompanied by a deep regret and it requires to reform the relation with those who are involved in the harm that was caused by the sinner.

The prophet PBUH said: “no minor sin with insistence and no major sin with istighfar”

The fact that the door of Allah is wide open to every repentant and reforming the relationship with Him could happen in a glance of an eye; make hearts open to tawba because hearts are always longing to a good relationship with their creator.

Tawba requires few elements in order to be done on the right manner:

1. The sincere intention

2. The will to recognize your sin

3. The courage to admit it

4. Seeking Allah for His forgiveness

5. Regret committing the particular sin

6. Pledge to Allah to do your best not to repeat the sin

Increasing our acts of worship is required in all months yet it is more required and highly recommended during the blessed days. That’s why we should expose ourselves to Allah’s mercy as our prophet pbuh commanded:

“for your Lord in your days inspirations, expose yourselves to it, for if you receive one of those inspirations you won’t be miserable ever”

We can expose ourselves to those inspiration by practicing numerous istighfar every day, maintain the 5 daily prayers on time, fasting, increasing of salat, giving sadaqa, recitation of Quran, salat at night/prior Fajer, and attending circles of knowledge.

The giving of Allah varies due to the personal efforts during the sacred times. Lucky is the one that has a pious friend who encourages him during the blessed time.

To be continued

The event of Isra’ & Mi’raj took place in Rajab. This event has cooled the heart of our beloved prophet and Allah spoke to him ....


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