The Essence of Fasting and Its Purpose
There are sins that I am unable to stop, what should I do?
You must repent from all of your sins in the beginning of the month of Ramadan, and here is a practical way to achieve this:
You may categorize your sins into three types:
1- One type that you may abandon immediately, such as backbiting and gossiping, lying or stealing, cheating or injustice and any type of harm.
2- Another type might be harder to abandon immediately and completely, because it is linked with a certain lifestyle, or with the opposition of the husband like the subject of Hijab for example. In fact, a woman might find herself unable to make the decision of wearing the hijab on the first day of Ramadan, as this decision implies a complete shift in her life and is faced by an opposition from her husband, and other challenging factors. In this case, we advise her to adopt the principle of (if you cannot achieve it all, do not leave it all). This means, if you cannot apply a principle in its entirety, you should not leave it completely. For example, start by wearing modest clothing in the beginning of Ramadan, such as long sleeves and non revealing clothes; in other words, dress like a hijabi without the head cover. You would be partially repenting from the sin and you should ask Allah for help to complete your repentance and facilitate the covering as prescribed by Him.
With this you would have made your fi rst steps towards repentance and would have partially abandoned the sin, and this is better than keeping the old habits of wearing revealing clothes.
3- The third type is the one that is almost impossible to stop immediately. For example, you have committed injustice towards a person by illicitly taking money from him and you are required to return it to him but you have spent it all already. Or for example, you have taken an interest-based loan to establish your business and have committed fi nancially for a number of years and are unable to stop those loans immediately. Another example in this category is when you have had major shortcomings raising your children to pray and fast and observe religious principles and principles of faith and Prophetic Virtues, and your children have grown up and have become young adults and are very unresponsive to your preaching. The solution in such scenarios would simply be the fi rst steps in the journey of a thousand miles: you basically make resolutions to repent from this sin and you make a plan to achieve true repentance while constantly making supplications asking Allah for His help.
In summary, you can categorize your sins into three types:
1- One type you repent from and stop immediately,
2- One type you repent from and stop partially,
3- And one type you repent from and make a plan to stop start implementing this plan unequivocally and give it in your life.
Source: Kalima Taiba
Nutritious Recipe
from my kitchen with love
Carrot Walnut Salad 🥕✨
A crunchy, refreshing salad packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and healthy fats—great for digestion, heart health, and an immunity boost!
1 lb fresh carrots, peeled & finely shredded 🥕
2 green onions, minced 🧅
¼ cup fresh Italian parsley, finely chopped 🌿
½ cup walnuts, roughly chopped 🌰
4 tbsp pomegranate molasses 🍷
3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 🫒
½ tsp salt 🧂
1️⃣ Peel and finely shred the carrots (avoid pre-shredded bags—they're too tough!).
2️⃣ Mince the green onions and parsley, then roughly chop the walnuts.
3️⃣ In a bowl, whisk together pomegranate molasses, olive oil, and salt.
4️⃣ Toss everything together until well coated.
5️⃣ Let it sit for 10 minutes for flavors to meld.
🍽️ Serving Suggestion:
Serve chilled as a side dish with grilled meats, falafel, or alongside hummus and warm pita bread. It also pairs well with feta cheese for an extra creamy touch!
From One Seed to Seven Hundred: The Power of Giving
Mozaic Sewing Studio: Stitching Skills, Weaving Futures
The Mozaic Sewing Studio is more than a place to learn sewing—it’s a space for transformation, empowerment, and self-sufficiency. Rooted in both tradition and modern vocational training, this program provides refugee women with the skills, language proficiency, and mental wellness support needed to build a sustainable future.
Empowering Through Skill, Language & Creativity
The Mozaic Sewing Studio equips women with essential skills in garment making, embroidery, and alterations, transforming fabric into both art and opportunity. More than just a craft, sewing becomes a means of financial independence, allowing participants to create and sell handmade pieces. To ensure their success in the industry, the program integrates vocational language training, helping women confidently follow instructions, communicate with clients, and negotiate pricing for their work.
Beyond its practical benefits, sewing is a therapeutic practice. The rhythmic motion of stitching fosters mental wellness, easing stress and bringing a sense of calm. For women who have experienced displacement and hardship, mastering this skill provides not only economic stability but also a renewed sense of purpose and control over their lives. Engaging in a productive and creative pursuit strengthens confidence, fosters resilience, and builds a supportive community where women uplift one another.
A Tradition of Strength & Self-Reliance
Throughout history, sewing has been more than a necessity for women—it has been a virtue, a means of providing for oneself and one’s family, and a symbol of patience and dedication. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ himself praised productive skills, and taking up needle and thread has long been regarded as an honorable craft for women, allowing them to contribute to their households and communities.
The Journey Towards Independence
At the end of the program, each participant walks away with:
✅ Marketable sewing and embroidery skills
✅ The ability to create and sell handmade garments
✅ Confidence in vocational language and communication
✅ Financial literacy and entrepreneurial knowledge
✅ A supportive community of like-minded women
✅ Mental Wellness & Community Building – Using sewing as a therapeutic activity to ease stress and strengthen bonds
By fostering creativity, economic independence, and emotional well-being, the Mozaic Sewing Studio is transforming lives—one stitch at a time.
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A Profession with Deep Roots in History
Sewing is one of the oldest professions, and according to Islamic tradition, Prophet Idris (AS) was the first to stitch garments. Before him, people wore animal hides, but Allah gifted him with the knowledge of tailoring, making him the first to sew with a needle and thread. This sacred craft has since been a means of sustenance, creativity, and empowerment for countless generations.
The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ also valued sewing, and it is narrated that he himself mended his own clothes. In a hadith, Aisha (RA) said:"He (ﷺ) used to stitch his own clothes, mend his own shoes, and do what men do in their homes."(Ahmad). He also said: “The best Pastime for a woman is the spindle” (Adi & Ibn al-Jawzi)
This tradition highlights the dignity of skilled labor and self-reliance, values that Mozaic Sewing Studio upholds in its mission.
The Virtue of Stitching & Its Lifelong Impact
Beyond providing financial stability, sewing fosters patience, precision, and creativity. It is a skill that allows women to contribute to their households and communities while preserving their cultural heritage. As a mindful and engaging craft, it serves as both a profession and a form of healing, offering women a renewed sense of purpose and independence.
By the end of the program, participants walk away with:
✔️ Marketable skills in garment making and embroidery
✔️ The ability to start their own small businesses
✔️ Confidence in communication and professional interactions
✔️ A strong support network of like-minded women
At Mozaic Sewing Studio, each stitch is a step towards self-reliance, dignity, and a brighter future.
Support Mozaic Sewing Studio and Empower Refugee Women and Underserved Communities Through Skill and Opportunity
Du’a of the Day
أدعية لراحة القلب
اللهم ارزقني الرضا وراحة البال، ولا تكسر لي ظهرًا، ولا تصعب لي حاجة، ولا تعظّم عليّ أمرًا. اللهم لا تحني لي قامة، ولا تكشف لي سترًا، ولا تفضح لي سرًّا.
اللهم إليك مددت يدي، وفيما عندك عظمت رغبتي، فاقبل توبتي، وارحم ضعفي، واغفر خطيئتي، وتجاوز عن زلّتي، واجعل لي من كل خير نصيبًا، وإلى كل خير سبيلًا، برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين.
اللهم إني أسألك الصبر عند البلاء، والرضا بالقضاء، وعيشة السعداء، ومنازل الشهداء، والنصر على الأعداء، ومرافقة الأنبياء، يا رب العالمين.
اللهم تقبل منا، إنك أنت السميع العليم، وتب علينا، إنك أنت التواب الرحيم، والحمد لله رب العالمين.
ربّ إني أسألك أن تريح قلبي وعقلي، وتصرف عني شتات الذهن والتفكير، ربّ إن في قلبي أمورًا لا يعلمها سواك، فحققها لي بقدرتك، يا أرحم الراحمين. ربّ كن معي في أصعب الظروف، وأرني عجائب قدرتك في أحلك الأوقات.
يقول محمد إقبال، شاعر الإسلام:"يا رب، لا تحرمني أنّة السحر، يا رب اجعلني من البكّائين الخاشعين لك في السحر، يا رب، إذا حرمتني جلسة السحر، فإن قلبي يقسو ولن يلينه شيء."
اللهم ارحمنا إذا يئس منا الطبيب، وبكى علينا الحبيب، وتخلى عنا القريب والغريب، وارتفع النشيج والنحيب. اللهم ارحمنا إذا حملنا على الأعناق، وكان المساق إلى لقائك. اللهم ارحمنا إذا ولينا التراب، وأغلقت من القبور الأبواب، وانفض الأحباب، فإذا الوحدة والوحشة وهول الحساب. اللهم ارحمنا إذا أهملنا، فلم يزرنا زائر، ولم يذكرنا ذاكر، فما لنا من قوة ولا ناصر إلا رحمتك، يا قاهر يا قادر يا غافر، يا الله.
أدعية نبوية لراحة القلب:
(لا إله إلا الله العظيم الحليم، لا إله إلا الله رب العرش العظيم، لا إله إلا الله رب السماوات ورب الأرض، ورب العرش الكريم).
(اللهم إني عبدك، وابن عبدك، وابن أمتك، ناصيتي بيدك، ماضٍ فيّ حكمك، عدلٌ فيّ قضاؤك، أسألك بكل اسم هو لك، سميت به نفسك، أو أنزلته في كتابك، أو علمته أحدًا من خلقك، أو استأثرت به في علم الغيب عندك، أن تجعل القرآن ربيع قلبي، ونور صدري، وجلاء حزني، وذهاب همي.)
(اللهم إني أسألك العفو والعافية في الدنيا والآخرة، اللهم إني أسألك العفو والعافية في ديني ودنياي وأهلي ومالي، اللهم استر عوراتي وآمن روعاتي، واحفظني من بين يديّ ومن خلفي، وعن يميني وعن شمالي، ومن فوقي، وأعوذ بك أن أُغتال من تحتي.)
(اللهم رحمتك أرجو، فلا تكلني إلى نفسي طرفة عين، وأصلح لي شأني كله، لا إله إلا أنت.)
(لا إله إلا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين.)
(اللهم إني أسألك بأن لك الحمد، لا إله إلا أنت، المنان، بديع السماوات والأرض، ذو الجلال والإكرام، يا حي يا قيوم.)
(اللهم رب السماوات السبع، ورب العرش العظيم، ربنا ورب كل شيء، أنت الظاهر فليس فوقك شيء، وأنت الباطن فليس دونك شيء، مُنزل التوراة والإنجيل والفرقان، فالق الحب والنوى، أعوذ بك من شر كل شيء أنت آخذ بناصيته، أنت الأول فليس قبلك شيء، وأنت الآخر فليس بعدك شيء، اقض عني الدَّين وأغنني من الفقر.)
اللهم إني أعوذ بك من فتن الدنيا، اللهم قوّ إيماني، ووحد كلمتنا، وانصرنا على أعدائك، اللهم شتّت شملهم، واجعل الدائرة عليهم، وانصر إخواننا المسلمين في كل مكان.
Prayers for a Tranquil Heart
O Allah, grant me contentment and peace of mind. Do not break my back with hardship, nor make any matter too difficult for me. O Allah, do not let me bow in humiliation, do not expose my faults, and do not reveal my secrets.
O Allah, I extend my hands to You, and my hope is in what You have. Accept my repentance, have mercy on my weakness, forgive my mistakes, and grant me a share of every goodness and a path to every virtue, by Your mercy, O Most Merciful.
O Allah, I ask You for patience in trials, acceptance of fate, the life of the righteous, the ranks of the martyrs, victory over adversaries, and the companionship of the prophets, O Lord of the worlds.
O Allah, accept from us, for You are the All-Hearing, All-Knowing. Accept our repentance, for You are the Most Forgiving, Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, Lord of all worlds.
My Lord, I ask You to grant ease to my heart and mind and protect me from distraction and worry. My Lord, there are matters in my heart that only You know—fulfill them for me, O Most Merciful. Be with me in my hardest moments and show me the wonders of Your power in my darkest days.
Muhammad Iqbal, the poet of Islam, once said:"O Lord, do not deprive me of the sigh of the early morning prayer. O Lord, make me among those who weep humbly before You at dawn. O Lord, if I am deprived of the stillness of the pre-dawn prayer, my heart will harden, and nothing will soften it."
O Allah, have mercy on us when the doctor gives up hope, when our loved ones weep over us, when our family and friends bid us farewell. O Allah, have mercy on us when we are carried on the shoulders, and our final destination is to You. O Allah, have mercy on us when we are placed in our graves, the doors of the world are closed upon us, and our loved ones walk away. O Allah, have mercy on us when we are forgotten, and no visitor comes to our graves, when we have no strength, no supporter, and no hope except in You, O Almighty, O Most Capable, O Most Forgiving.
Prophetic Prayers for a Peaceful Heart:
"There is no god but Allah, the Great and the Forbearing. There is no god but Allah, the Lord of the Mighty Throne. There is no god but Allah, the Lord of the heavens, the Lord of the earth, and the Lord of the Noble Throne."
"O Allah, I am Your servant, son of Your servant, son of Your maidservant. My forehead is in Your hand, Your decree over me is certain, and Your judgment upon me is just. I ask You by every name You have named Yourself with, or revealed in Your Book, or taught to any of Your creation, or kept hidden in the knowledge of the unseen with You, to make the Quran the spring of my heart, the light of my chest, the remover of my sadness, and the reliever of my distress."
"O Allah, I seek Your protection from the trials of this world. Strengthen my faith, unite our hearts, and grant victory to the oppressed everywhere."
