The Essence of Fasting and Its Purpose
What is the meaning of: Whoever fasts the month of Ramadan and follows it with six in Shawwal would be as if he had fasted perpetually?
Ayyub Al Ansari may Allah be pleased with him conveyed that the Prophet peace be upon him said: “Whoever fasts the month of Ramadan and follows it with six in Shawwal would be as if he had fasted perpetually”(1)
The purpose of fasting is therefore to abandon; abandon elements that break the fast such as food, drink and desires, and abandoning the great sins whether in Ramadan or outside of it as the Prophet peace be upon him said: “when anyone of you is fasting, let him not utter evil or ignorant speech. If anyone speaks or acts with him in an ignorant manner, let him say: I am fasting”.(2) This hadith refers to a day of fasting for you outside of Ramadan. If you abandon the great sins you used to commit before throughout the month of Ramadan, and if you are able to persevere for six additional days in Shawwal, then your repentance would have been instilled with the Will of Allah. And if you repeat that every year, you meet Allah SWT and see that He has pardoned you and written you among those who fasted their lifetime. So he elevates you to high ranks and forgives all other sins and allows you to Paradise through the Rayyan gate with the patient believers who are rewarded without restriction.
Therefore, it is desirable that we fast those days consecutively after Eid as much as possible, since Allah SWT has helped us abandon the great sins in Ramadan by chaining our own evil and that of our friends and of our societies. And as Ramadan comes to closure, the devils return to their previous action, and make repentance more difficult after Ramadan. So if we are able to safeguard our repentance and persevere for six additional days after Eid especially with the power that we still would be carrying from Ramadan, then repentance would be instilled in our lives with the Will of Allah.
(1) Transmitted by Al Bukhari in his Sahih from Abu Huraira, Hadith 1904, Chapter of Fasting-
Reaction to Vile Language when Fasting.
(2) Transmitted by Al Nasa’i in the Main Tradition, from Jarir Ibn Abdullah Al Bajaly, Hadith
2471, the Chapter of Fasting, How to Fast Thee Days of Every Month.
Nutritious Recipe
from my kitchen with love
Tabbakh Roho – "The Soulful Cook" 🥘✨
A traditional Syrian dish, Tabbakh Roho is a hearty and flavorful stew made with tender meat, fresh vegetables, and aromatic spices. This comforting nutritious dish is perfect for family gatherings, bringing warmth and richness to your table.
🛒 Ingredients:
🔸 2 medium zucchinis (better choice is kusa), cut into cubes
🔸 2 medium eggplant, cut into cubes
🔸 4 artichoke hearts, cut into cubes (optional)
🔸 3 lamb shanks or 1 lb beef stew meat 🍖
🔸 2 large tomatoes, peeled and cubed 🍅
🔸 2 tbsp tomato paste
🔸 1 large onion, sliced into wings 🧅
🔸 1 tbsp salt 🧂 (adjust to taste)
🔸 ½ tsp black pepper
🔸 3 bay leaves
🔸 4 cloves garlic, smashed 🧄
🔸 2 tbsp dried mint 🌿
🔸 2 tbsp olive oil 🫒
🔸 3-4 cardamom pods
🔸 ½ lemon peel 🍋
🔸 1 small onion, cut in half
🔥 Cooking Instructions:
1️⃣ Prepare the Meat:
In a large pot, heat 2 tbsp of olive oil over medium-high heat.
Add the lamb shanks or beef cubes and brown them on all sides for 5 minutes.
Pour in enough water to cover the meat and bring to a boil.
Skim off any foam that forms on the surface.
Add cardamom pods, a peeled half lemon, bay leaves and a halved onion to the pot.
Reduce heat, cover, and let it simmer for about 1.5 hours until the meat is tender.
Remove the meat and set aside, keeping the flavorful broth for the stew.
2️⃣ Sauté the Vegetables:
In a deep pot, heat 2 tbsp of olive oil.
Add onion wings and sauté until soft and slightly golden.
Stir in the zucchini, eggplant, and artichokes (if using), and cook for 5 minutes.
3️⃣ Build the Stew:
Add the fresh cubed tomatoes and tomato paste, mixing well.
Pour in 3-4 cups of the reserved meat broth and stir.
Add the cooked meat to the pot, season with salt and pepper.
Cover and let everything simmer on medium-low heat for 20-30 minutes, allowing the flavors to blend beautifully.
4️⃣ Final Touch:
In a small pan, heat 1 tbsp of oil and lightly sauté the smashed garlic with dried mint for 30 seconds until fragrant.
Pour this mixture into the stew, stir well, and let it cook for another 3-5 minutes.
5️⃣ Serve & Enjoy!
Ladle into bowls and serve hot with vermicelli rice 🍚 or fresh pita bread. 🥖
Garnish with extra mint if desired.
💛 Bismillah & enjoy your soulful dish! 🍽️
From One Seed to Seven Hundred: The Power of Giving
Sadaqah Jariyah: A Continuous Charity with Endless Rewards 🌱
Sadaqah Jariyah (صدقة جارية) is a form of charity that continues to benefit people long after it is given, bringing continuous rewards to the giver even after their passing. It is one of the most powerful ways to earn ongoing blessings, as it helps individuals, uplifts communities, and builds a legacy of goodness in this world and the next.
🌟 The Virtue of Sadaqah Jariyah in Islam
The Prophet ﷺ said:
🕌 "When a person dies, all their deeds end except three: a continuous charity (Sadaqah Jariyah), beneficial knowledge, or a righteous child who prays for them."📖 (Sahih Muslim 1631)
This hadith highlights how certain deeds never stop yielding rewards, even after we leave this world. Among them, Sadaqah Jariyah stands as a powerful investment for the Hereafter.
Allah ﷻ also promises immense rewards for those who give charity:
🌿 "The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed of grain that sprouts seven ears, and in each ear is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies (the reward) for whom He wills. And Allah is All-Encompassing and Knowing."📖 (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:261)
This verse emphasizes how Allah multiplies the rewards of charity beyond imagination, making every small contribution a source of abundant blessings.
🌍 The Impact of Sadaqah Jariyah on the Individual & Community
✅ For the Recipient:
Provides essential relief (food, water, shelter, healthcare, education).
Empowers individuals with skills & knowledge to become self-sufficient.
Offers hope & dignity to those struggling.
✅ For the Community:
Builds service centers, schools, water wells, hospitals, and other sustainable projects.
Strengthens economic stability by supporting skill-building and career development.
Encourages a culture of giving, fostering unity and care in society.
📌 Examples of Sadaqah Jariyah:
💧 Providing Clean Water: Digging a well or installing a water pump.
📚 Sponsoring Education: Funding schools, scholarships, or knowledge-sharing initiatives.
🕌 Building Service Centers and Mosques: Supporting prayer spaces and Islamic institutions.🛠️ Skills Training & Job Assistance: Helping refugees & underprivileged individuals build sustainable careers.
🥘 Food Security: Establishing community kitchens or meal programs.
👩⚕️ Healthcare Support: Setting up clinics or funding medical treatments.
🤲 Support Mozaic’s Sadaqah Jariyah Initiatives!
At Mozaic, we channel your Zakat & Sadaqah Jariyah donations into life-changing programs that support refugees, children, single mothers, and vulnerable families. Your donations help fund:
✅ Education & Vocational Training 🎓
✅ Job Certification & Career Development 💼
✅ Meal Programs & Food Packages 🍽️
✅ Hygiene Kits & Emergency Relief 🚑
✅ Financial Assistance for Families in Crisis 💰
🌟 Act Now & Leave a Lasting Legacy! 🌟
🔗 Donate Today & Calculate Your Zakat with Ease at dollar you give continues to benefit others and brings you endless rewards in this life and the Hereafter.
May Allah accept your generosity and multiply your rewards! Ameen. 💖
Du’a of the Day
دعاء النصر والتمكين
اللهم لا تجعل لنا أملاً إلا بك، اللهم حقّق لنا جميعًا ما نتمنى، لا إله إلا أنت سبحانك إنّي كنت من الظالمين، أستغفر الله الذي لا إله إلا هو الحيّ القيّوم وأتوب إليه. اللهم حقّق لي ما أريد في هذه الحياة، فأنت تعلم ما أريد وما أسعى إليه. اللهم دلّني إلى الطريق الصحيح حتى أصبح ذا شأن عظيم في هذه الحياة. اللهم وفّقني لما تحبّ وترضى.
اللهمّ أنت ثقتي في كل كربة، وأنت رجائي في كل شدة، وأنت لي في كل أمر نزل بي ثقة وعدة، كم من كرب يضعف عنه الفؤاد، وتقلّ فيه الحيلة، ويخذل عنه القريب والبعيد، ويشمت به العدوّ، وتعييني فيه الأمور، أنزلته بك وشكوته إليك راغبًا فيه عمن سواك، ففرّجته وكشفته وكفيته، فأنت وليّ كل نعمة، وصاحب كل حاجة، ومنتهى كل رغبة، فلك الحمد كثيرًا، ولك المنّ فضلًا.
اللهمّ يا مسخّر القويّ للضعيف، ومسخّر الشياطين، والجنّ، والريح لنبيّنا سليمان، ومسخّر الطّير والحديد لنبيّنا داود، ومسخّر النّار لنبيّنا إبراهيم، اللهم سخّر لنا من يقف معنا ويعيننا بحولك وقوّتك، وعزّتك وقدرتك، أنت القادر على ذلك وحدك لا شريك لك، اللهمّ يا حنّان، يا منّان، يا ذا الجلال والإكرام، يا بديع السماوات والأرض، يا حيّ يا قيّوم.
بسم الله المتفرّد بالملك، بسم الله الواحد، بسم الله الجبّار، بسم الله القهّار، بسم الله الذي ليس كمثله شيء وهو السميع العليم، بسم الله الظاهر على عباده، بسم الله الحيّ القيّوم، اللهم أسألك بحقّ سلطانك العظيم، وجدّك القديم، وكنزك الدفين في قلوب عبادك الصالحين، اللهم أسألك بقدرتك المطلقة، اللهم أسألك بالاسم الذي بدأت به خلقك وفرضت به نفسك أن تنصرني.
اللهم إنّي أسألك بالاسم الذي خلقت به السماوات والأرض وقلتَ وقولك الحق "أتينا طوعًا أو كرهًا" فأتوك طائعين، اللهم أسألك بنورك الذي أشرقت به على خلقك، اللهم أسألك بالسر الذي وضعته في الماء وقلتَ وقولك الحق "وجعلنا من الماء كل شيء حي" أن تنصرني.
اللهم إنّي أحبّك طوعًا لا كرهًا، اللهم يسّر لنا سُبُل التقرّب إليك، وأعنّا على عبادتك، ولا تجعلنا من الممكورين بهم، اللهم ثبّتنا على حبّك، وحبّ نبيّك محمد ﷺ، وحبّ عبادك وخلقك، اللهم لا تجعل في قلوبنا غلًّا على أحد من خلقك، اللهم أفرغ علينا صبرًا، اللهم بسطوة جبروت قهرك، وبسرعة إغاثة نصرك، وبغيرتك لانتهاك حرماتك، انصرنا ووحّد صفوفنا.
دعاء قضاء الحاجة في نفس اليوم
يا حيّ يا قيّوم برحمتك أستغيث، يا ودود يا ودود يا ودود، يا ذا العرش المجيد، يا فعّال لما يريد، اللهم إنّي أسألك بعزّك الذي لا يُرام، وملكك الذي لا يُضام، ونورك الذي ملأ أرجاء عرشك أن تقضي حاجتي.
سبحان المُنفِّس عن كل مديون، سبحان المُفرِّج عن كل محزون، سبحان من جعل خزائنه بين الكاف والنون، سبحان من إذا أراد شيئًا أن يقول له كن فيكون، يا مفرّج فرّج، يا مفرّج فرّج، يا مفرّج فرّج، يا مفرّج فرّج، فرّج عنّي همّي وغمّي فرجًا عاجلًا غير آجل برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين.
Supplication for Victory and Empowerment
O Allah, do not place our hope in anyone but You. O Allah, grant all of us what we wish for. There is no god but You, Glory be to You, indeed I was among the wrongdoers. I seek forgiveness from Allah, who alone is worthy of worship, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer, and I repent to Him. O Allah, fulfill my wishes in this life, for You know what I desire and what I strive for. O Allah, guide me to the right path so that I may achieve greatness in this life. O Allah, grant me success in what pleases You and brings You satisfaction.
O Allah, You are my trust in every distress, my hope in every hardship. You are my refuge when all means fail, when my strength weakens, and when my close ones turn away. When my enemies rejoice over my difficulties, and when I am overwhelmed by my affairs, I turn to You alone and complain to You, seeking no help but Yours. You grant relief, remove burdens, and suffice my needs. You are the Giver of every blessing, the Fulfiller of every need, and the ultimate goal of every desire. To You belongs all praise and immense bounty.
O Allah, You who subjected the strong to the weak, You who subdued the devils, the jinn, and the winds for Prophet Solomon, You who tamed the birds and iron for Prophet David, and You who made the fire cool for Prophet Abraham, make my affairs easy through Your power and might. O Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Generous, the Lord of Majesty and Honor, the Originator of the heavens and the earth, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer, help me and strengthen me.
In the name of Allah, the Sole Owner of sovereignty. In the name of Allah, the One. In the name of Allah, the Compeller. In the name of Allah, the Supreme Subduer. In the name of Allah, unlike whom there is nothing, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing. In the name of Allah, the Apparent to His servants. In the name of Allah, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer. O Allah, I ask You by Your supreme authority, by Your eternal majesty, and by the hidden treasure in the hearts of Your righteous servants. O Allah, I ask You by Your absolute power, by the name with which You began creation and established Yourself, to grant me victory.
O Allah, I ask You by the name with which You created the heavens and the earth, and You said, "Come willingly or unwillingly," and they came willingly. O Allah, I ask You by Your light that illuminates Your creation. O Allah, I ask You by the secret You placed in water and Your words, "We made from water every living thing," to grant me victory.
O Allah, I love You willingly, not by compulsion. Make the path to You easy for us. Help us in Your worship and do not let us be among those who are deceived. O Allah, make us firm in Your love, the love of Your Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, and the love of Your servants and creation. O Allah, do not place in our hearts any hatred towards anyone. O Allah, pour patience upon us. By Your irresistible might, by the swiftness of Your aid, and by Your jealousy over Your sanctities, grant us victory and unite our ranks.
Supplication for Immediate Need
O Ever-Living, O Sustainer, by Your mercy, I seek aid. O Most Loving, O Most Glorious, O the Possessor of the Mighty Throne, O the One who does whatever He wills, I ask You by Your might that cannot be challenged, by Your dominion that cannot be overcome, and by Your light that fills the vastness of Your throne to fulfill my needs.
Glory be to the One who relieves every debtor, glory be to the One who comforts every distressed soul, glory be to the One whose treasures are between "Kun" (Be) and "Fayakun" (it is). Glory be to the One who, when He wills something, says "Be," and it is. O Reliever, grant me relief, O Reliever, grant me relief, O Reliever, grant me relief, O Reliever, grant me relief. Relieve me from my burdens and sorrows with a swift and merciful deliverance, O Most Merciful of the merciful.
