The Greatest of Sins
Seventy Sins that Allah likes that we forsake
and whoever avoids them for the love of Allah wins a place of great honor with Him ﴾Convey to the believers the good tidings that Allah has kept bounteous blessings for them﴿ [Al Ahzab: 47]
The Gates to Paradise
Paradise has eight gates. Those are the words of Muslim relayed by Ubada Ibn Al Samet that the Prophet said: “Whoever testifies that there is no deity but Allah, that He is One with no partner or associates, and that Mohammad is his servant and messenger and that Issa (Jesus) is the servant of Allah and His messenger and is the son of his servant, and His word which He cast into Mary and a spirit from Him, and testifies that Paradise is real and Hell is real, is allowed to Paradise by Allah from any of the eight gates he chooses”.(1)
These gates have names, such as Prayer, Jihad, Charity, AlRayyan, the Gate of Anger Suppression, and other names chosen by scholars to indicate specific clues in the Texts, such as the Gate of Repentance, the Gate of Thikr, the Gate of Science, the Gate of Contentment and that of Pilgrimage.
The proof of the first four gates Abu Huraira relayed that the Prophet said: “He who spends a pair in the way of Allah will be called from the gates of Paradise: O servant of Allah! Here is prosperity! And whoever was amongst the people of prayer will be called to the Gate of Prayer, whoever was amongst the people of Jihad will be invited to enter from the Gate of Jihad, whoever was amongst the people of fasting will be called to enter from the Gate of Al Rayyan, and whoever was amongst the people of charity will be invited to enter from the Gate of Charity”.(2)
The proof of the fifth gate is what was narrated by Abu Huraira about the intercession of the Messenger of Allah : “And the caller will say: O Mohammad, call to the right gate of Paradise from your Umma those who have no account to render, and they will share other gates with the people”.(3)
The proof of the sixth gate is what Imam Ahmad has narrated from Al Hassan: “There is a gate to Paradise reserved by Allah to those who have forgiven injustice”.(4)
The scholars differed in naming the other gates but they all agreed on the first four names. Al Nawawi said: Al Qadi said: the other gates of Paradise were mentioned in another hadith namely the Gate of Repentance, and the Gate of the Anger Suppressors and the Forgiving, and the Gate of Contentment.
This is a total of seven gates mentioned in the various hadiths. But the hadith mentioning the seventy thousand ones that enter Paradise without account to render and who enter through the gate on the right indicates possibly an eighth gate.
In summary, the gates of Paradise are:
1. The Gate of Prayer: Which is the gate reserved for the ones who are persistent and present in their prayers.
2. The Gate of Charity: Which is the gate for charity and alms givers.
3. The Gate of Jihad: Which is the gate for the ones who fight and strive on the way of Allah and the ones who call others to the righteous path and the ones who persevere in the struggle against the self.
4. Al Rayyan Gate: Which is the gate reserved solely for the ones who observe the fasting.
5. The Gate of Contentment: Which is the one reserved for those who are content with the Rule of Allah and the ones who always thought good of their Lord.
6. The Gate of Repentance: Which is said to be the Gate of the Messenger of Allah , and is unique to the ones who repent and has been open since the start of creation and will close when the sun rises from the west and would open again on the Day of Resurrection.
7. The Gate of the Anger Suppressors: Which is the gate reserved for those who forgive the ones who have wronged them or committed injustice against them.
8. The Right Gate: Which is the gate of those who are in the intercession of the Messenger and those who place their trust Allah and enter without having any account to render.
The Gates to Hell
The gates to Hell are seven as indicated by Allah : ﴾Surely, Hell is the place to which they are destined, it has seven gates: and each gate has a portion of them allotted to it ﴿. (5)
1.The Sight Gate
2.The Hearing Gate
3.The Tongue Gate
4.The Belly Gate
7.The Feet Gate
If those organs and senses are safeguarded from sin, they become gates to the Gardens of Heavens. Therefore, since fasting safeguards those seven organs and senses at once, the gates of Hell are closed and the gates of Heaven become open.
The month of Ramadan is our chance to show truthfulness in our repentance and in our love for Allah , while He has chained our evil and weakened our Self and our desires, and has chained the evil in our social circles that encourage us to commit sins. So we ought to carefully observe what we will abandon for the love of Allah .
Here is a list of the greatest of sins, the sins that Allah likes that we leave for His sake. Allah says: ﴾If you shun the great sins you have been forbidden, We shall cancel out your minor misdeeds and admit you to a place of honor﴿.(6) Which means that Allah promises us that if we avoid the great sins, He would bless and forgive us as a result.
The great sins are categorized into:
1. The greatest of sins, which are 17
2. The great sins, which are 53
The greatest of sins are 17 distributed over the heart, the tongue, the belly, the hands, the intimate parts, the feet while the last sin engages the whole body.
This is a number that is equal to the number of rakaas in our 5 daily prayers, therefore whoever perseveres in performing the 5 prayers, truthfully and timely (even when the spiritual focus fluctuates), will be protected by Allah from the greatest of sins.﴾Surely prayer restrains one from indecency and evil﴿. (7)
(1) Transmitted by Muslim in his Sahih from Ubada Ibn Al Samet, Hadith 28, Chapter of Faith,
He who goes to Allah with undoubted faith enters Paradise and is saved from Hell.
(2) Transmitted by Al Bukhari in his Sahih from Abu Huraira, Hadith 1897, Chapter of Fasting-
the Gate of Al Rayyan.
(3) Transmitted by Muslim in his Sahih, from Abu Huraira, Hadith 194, Chapter of Faith, the
Lowest Grades of the People of Paradise.
(4) Mentioned by Ibn Hijr in Fath Al Bari from Al Hasan 28/7.
(5) Al Hijr: 43-44.
(6) Al Nisa: 31.
(7) Al Ankabout- 45.
Nutritious Recipe
from my kitchen with love
🌟 Creamy & Zesty Macaroni Salad 🥗✨
This comfort food is packed with vibrant colors and fresh flavors, making it a perfect dish for suhoor 🌙—light yet satisfying to keep you energized. The creamy dressing, combined with crunchy veggies and zesty spices, creates a refreshing balance. Kids love it! ❤️ It's flavorful, fun to eat, and a great way to sneak in some veggies. Serve it chilled for a refreshing side dish or a quick meal! 🍴🥰
2 cups macaroni (cooked & cooled) 🍝
½ cup red bell pepper (diced) ❤️
½ cup yellow bell pepper (diced) 💛
½ cup green bell pepper (diced) 💚
2 green onions (chopped) 🟢
1 cup cherry tomatoes (halved) 🍅
½ cup corn (cooked or canned, drained) 🌽
¼ cup parsley (chopped) 🌿
¼ cup cilantro (chopped) 🌱
⅓ cup black or green olives (sliced) 🫒
Optional: ½ cup mozzarella, queso, or pepper jack cheese (cubed) 🧀
Zesty Dressing:
2 cloves garlic (minced) 🧄
2 tbsp lemon juice 🍋
1 tsp mustard
⅓ cup mayonnaise
2 tbsp olive oil 🫒
½ tsp cumin
½ tsp coriander
½ tsp sumac
¼ tsp cayenne pepper (adjust to taste) 🌶️
Salt & black pepper (to taste) 🧂
1️⃣ Cook the Pasta: Boil macaroni according to package instructions, drain, and rinse under cold water. Set aside.
2️⃣ Prepare the Dressing: In a small bowl, whisk together garlic, lemon juice, mustard, mayonnaise, olive oil, and spices (cumin, coriander, sumac, cayenne, salt, and pepper). Mix well.
3️⃣ Combine Ingredients: In a large mixing bowl, add the cooked pasta, bell peppers, green onions, cherry tomatoes, corn, parsley, cilantro, and olives. Toss gently.
4️⃣ Add Dressing: Pour the dressing over the salad and mix until everything is well coated.
5️⃣ Optional Cheese Addition: If using cheese, gently fold it in at the end. 🧀
6️⃣ Chill & Serve: Let the salad sit in the fridge for at least 30 minutes before serving to enhance the flavors.
🌟 Sahtain! 🥗✨
From One Seed to Seven Hundred: The Power of Giving
🔹 The Prophet ﷺ said: ‘Charity does not decrease wealth.’ (Muslim) – Give, and Allah will multiply your blessings! 💖
🔹 Whatever you give for the sake of Allah will return to you in ways you never imagined. Keep giving, and trust His promise! 🤲🏼✨
🔹 Sadaqah is your investment in the Hereafter. Build your palace in Jannah today! 🏡🌿
💰 Impact-Based Encouragement
🔸 What if your sadaqah today is the reason someone makes dua for you tonight? 💕
🔸 Giving in charity is like planting a seed 🌱—with every sadaqah, you grow trees of reward for the Akhirah!
🕊 Daily Motivation
✅ Make sadaqah a daily habit—even a smile is charity! 😊
✅ Give secretly—what's hidden is most loved by Allah! 🤍
✅ Involve your kids—teach them the beauty of giving! 🎁
Every act of giving purifies the heart, blesses wealth, and brings peace. Let's give generously and make a difference! 🤲💞
Today, I invite you to support a Mozaic client by acting as an Ansar (supporters) for the Muhajireen (immigrants), just as the Ansar once welcomed and uplifted those in need. Be a source of hope, strength, and generosity for those starting a new chapter in their lives. 🤲💙 Contribute here
Du’a of the Day
Commemorating the Night of Badr: A Night of Faith and Victory
Tonight marks the anniversary of the Battle of Badr, one of the most significant battles in Islamic history. It was on this night that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and his companions stood in deep supplication, relying solely on Allah’s help against overwhelming odds. This battle was not just a military encounter but a divine moment where Allah’s support was manifested in miraculous ways.
1. The Du’a of the Prophet ﷺ on the Night of Badr
Before the battle, the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ made an intense and heartfelt du’a, seeking Allah’s help and victory:
اللَّهُمَّ أَنْجِزْ لِي مَا وَعَدْتَنِي، اللَّهُمَّ آتِ مَا وَعَدْتَنِي، اللَّهُمَّ إِنْ تَهْلِكْ هَذِهِ الْعِصَابَةُ مِنْ أَهْلِ الإِسْلَامِ، لَا تُعْبَدْ فِي الأَرْضِ أَبَدًا
"O Allah! Fulfill for me what You have promised me. O Allah! Grant me what You have promised me. O Allah! If this small group of Muslims perishes, You will not be worshiped on Earth!"(Sahih Muslim, 1763; Musnad Ahmad, 2388)
2. Seeking Allah’s Help (Nusrah) as Done by the Prophet ﷺ
The Prophet ﷺ repeatedly called upon Allah’s names of power and victory on the night before Badr. Among the recommended phrases:
يا حي يا قيوم برحمتك أستغيث
"O Ever-Living, O Sustainer, I seek Your help with Your mercy."(Tirmidhi 3524, Hasan hadith)
حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل
"Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best Disposer of affairs."(Quran 3:173)
3. Remembering the Angels’ Support at Badr
Allah sent angels to support the believers at Badr:
إِذْ تَسْتَغِيثُونَ رَبَّكُمْ فَاسْتَجَابَ لَكُمْ أَنِّي مُمِدُّكُمْ بِأَلْفٍ مِّنَ الْمَلَائِكَةِ مُرْدِفِينَ
"When you (O believers) called upon your Lord for help, He responded: 'I am sending down to you one thousand angels, one after another.'”(Quran 8:9)
Reciting this verse and reflecting on Allah’s divine support is recommended.
4. Adhkar & Recommended Dhikr for the Night of Badr
Recite “Ya Latif” 313 times (some traditions link this to the number of fighters at Badr, though it's not from an authentic hadith).
Recite “La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah” 313 times (A powerful dhikr for seeking strength).
Sending abundant Salawat (Darood) upon the Prophet ﷺ.
Reciting Ayat al-Kursi (Quran 2:255) and Surah Al-Anfal (which discusses Badr).
The night of Badr teaches us the power of du’a, patience, and absolute reliance on Allah. Just as Allah granted victory to a small but faithful group, He can grant us success in our struggles today. Let us turn to Him in sincere supplication, remembering the du’as of our beloved Prophet ﷺ.
May Allah grant us strength, victory over our challenges, and the ability to always stand firm in faith.
آمين 🤲
